Areas of Practice

Divorce & Family Law

Divorce, child custody and other family matters are extremely delicate and sensitive. Moving forward or getting back to normal requires financial security and assurance your children are the main focus. Rather than cause problems, our offices seeks to create solutions to the already difficult situation our clients are in. If you require Estate Planning for the future, our office is ready to listen to what your future plans hold. We focus on the individual needs of each client we take on …read more


Perhaps you are close to resolving your issues with your partner, but you want the legal touch. We can assist you get over the hump and resolve your case without the stress of going to Court or having a Judge decide your case.

Limited Representation Assistance (LAR)

If you decide you do not need a lawyer for your full case, or you simply cannot afford a lawyer for your entire case, we can help. We offer Limited Representation Assistance to our clients in which our certified LAR attorney will only do a certain list of of items for the client. The client will have responsibility for other parts of their case.